about Bach Air
This famous Bach Air is especially know as Air on G string. However, it is actually the second movement of Bach Orchestral Suite no.3 in D Major, consists of four movements: Overture, Air, Gavotte, Bouree and Gigue.
My article related to the Gavotte
(the 3rd movement of the Orchestral Suite) :
Bach Gavotte in D [Suzuki Bk 3] (violin duet)
The German violinist Ausust Wilhelmj (1845-1908) arrange this melody to play only on the G string of the violin and since then it gained a lot of popularity.
(Thank you, wikipedea for the photo)
What is Air in music?
The air is a song like composition for single voice or instruments.
Bach Air for four violins: My first experience recording all the parts at home
It is still a very popular piece and it was in my adult student’s wish list. This gave me the idea of making this audio video Bach Air (for four violins) so that I can share it and play together (even through the recording) with the people who admire, love and want to play this piece. As always, the second half of the video is without the first violin part, so please try playing along.
I’m playing all the parts in the recording. Every part has its own role in the music. When we actually perfom Bach Air (or even other music in ensemble), we communicate each other, picking up each other’s intentions as well as inspiring each other. It was a bit difficult for me to do this all by myself.
Since I do not have any special recording skills and the good equipment, I could not control the balance of each part in whole. Also, because I’m not used to record everything by myself, I realized later some parts were unnecessarily going forward. If I were standing at the podium as a conductor, I would try to balance everything better. No matter what the outcome is, it was difficult and time consuming but interesting experience to making this video.
My audio video: Bach Air [four violins]: Let’s play together !
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